
Headless WordPress with NextJS + GraphQL

Building a custom NextJS frontend using WordPress as a backend with GraphQL has become increasingly popular in recent times, and it is not hard to see why. This combination provides a range of technological benefits that can enhance website performance, user experience, and website security. In this post, we’ll explore the advantages of building a custom NextJS frontend with WordPress as a backend using GraphQL and compare the architecture of WordPress with NextJS.

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One of the primary benefits of using a custom NextJS frontend with WordPress as a backend is the ability to leverage GraphQL. GraphQL provides a flexible and efficient way to query and retrieve data from the backend, making it easier to manage and integrate data between different applications. Compared to traditional REST APIs, GraphQL allows developers to define custom data structures and retrieve only the data that is needed, which can significantly reduce the amount of data transferred between the frontend and backend. This can result in faster page load times, reduced network latency, and improved website performance.

Another benefit of using NextJS with WordPress is the ability to take advantage of the latest Google Lighthouse measuring techniques. Google Lighthouse is a tool that helps website owners to improve the performance, accessibility, and user experience of their websites. By building a custom NextJS frontend with WordPress as a backend, developers can optimize website performance by using features such as server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and pre-fetching of data. These features can help to reduce the time to first byte (TTFB), improve website interactivity, and ensure that website content is accessible to all users.

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When it comes to architecture, WordPress and NextJS have different approaches. WordPress is a traditional CMS that follows a monolithic architecture. This means that all the functionality, including the backend and frontend, is contained in a single application. While this approach can be convenient, it can also lead to issues with scalability, security, and performance, especially when dealing with large and complex websites.

On the other hand, NextJS follows a modular architecture that separates the frontend and backend. This approach allows developers to build complex and dynamic web applications that are scalable, secure, and efficient. By using NextJS with WordPress as a backend, developers can take advantage of the best of both worlds. They can use the flexibility and power of WordPress as a CMS to manage website content and use the dynamic and modular architecture of NextJS to build a fast and responsive frontend that can handle complex user interactions.

In summary, building a custom NextJS frontend with WordPress as a backend using GraphQL provides a range of technological benefits that can enhance website performance, user experience, and website security. By leveraging GraphQL, developers can optimize data transfer between the frontend and backend, reduce network latency, and improve website performance. By using the latest Google Lighthouse measuring techniques, developers can ensure that their websites are fast, accessible, and user-friendly. Finally, by combining the flexibility of WordPress as a CMS with the modular architecture of NextJS, developers can build dynamic and scalable web applications that are secure and efficient.

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At our micro software development agency, we specialize in building custom NextJS frontends with WordPress as a backend using GraphQL. Our team of experienced developers and designers can help you create a fast, responsive, and user-friendly website that meets your specific business needs. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you build a custom NextJS frontend with WordPress as a backend, please get in touch with us today!